Junior Board

Junior Board of Directors

UMNAA Junior Board

The mission of the University of Montevallo Junior Board of Directors is to foster interaction between the University of Montevallo and those who have graduated from the University in the past fifteen years.


In accordance with the University of Montevallo National Alumni Association’s mission and purpose, the purposes of this board shall be to primarily support the needs and wants of young alumni of the University of Montevallo, and shall include:

  • Serve and support alumni who have graduated from the University within the last fifteen (15) years with programs and activities that are uniquely tailored to their needs;
  • Integrate recent graduates into the Alumni Association;
  • Foster communication between the University and its recent graduates; and
  • Encourage recent graduates to contribute their time, talent, and financial resources to the continued enhancement of the University community.

Interested in serving on the board?
Junior Board Application   Meet the Board

Message from the Junior Board

The University of Montevallo Junior Alumni Board’s main purpose is to connect young alumni with one another, reminding them that our UM community is here to support.

Those memories made on the brick streets of Montevallo are carried with you as you continue life’s journey. While we cannot recreate those exact memories, we look forward to making new ones with you at our alumni events.

We invite all young alumni and those who are young at heart, to attend our events throughout the year. From happy hours to our annual silent auction Soirée scholarship fundraiser to professional development events, we have several opportunities to connect and learn from fellow alumni.

We are regularly looking for new ways to engage with fellow falcons. If you have ideas and would like to serve as a member on the junior board, please fill out this application.

Be sure to follow along on our Instagram and Facebook to learn more about our upcoming events and see what other fellow alumni are up to.

Once a falcon, always a falcon!

Of Note:

  • Hosts the Young Alumni Party at Homecoming
  • Annual Spring Soiree Scholarship Fundraiser held in late spring or early summer
  • Junior Alumni Board Leadership Scholarship for $1000 to an upperclassman
  • Happy Hours throughout the year and other events for young alumni to gather and also give back to UM
  • Selection of Nathalie Molton Gibbons Young Achiever Award and the 15 Within 15 Recognition

Bylaws: Junior Alumni Board Bylaws 12.13.18