National Alumni Association Award Details
Please consider nominating deserving individuals to receive one of the Alumni Association’s awards, which are presented at various times during the year. Details of each are listed below including criteria, nomination form, and previous award recipients.
Distinguished Alumni Award
Purpose: This is the most prestigious award presented by the University of Montevallo National Alumni Association and is presented to an alum who has excelled in their professional career.
- Nominee must have received a degree (undergraduate or graduate) from the University of Montevallo/Alabama College;
- Current elected UM National Alumni Association officers and directors are not eligible;
- Nominations remain on file for reconsideration for three years, including the initial year of nomination.
Nomination Process:
- Nominations are accepted year-round with a deadline of November 1;
- Alumni Awards Nomination Form along with nomination letter must be submitted electronically or in print form;
- An additional letter of endorsement, from someone other than the one making the nomination, is required (in addition to the nomination form);
- A current résumé or curriculum vitae is required;
- Additional supporting documentation.
Award: The award is presented at Homecoming in February.
Nominate a Deserving Alum
Nathalie Molton Gibbons Alumni Achievement Award
Purpose : To recognize an alum whose contributions, through career or community service, reflect positively on society at the local, state or national level.
- Nominee must have received a degree (undergraduate or graduate) from the University of Montevallo/Alabama College;
- Nominee must be over the age of 35;
- Former Distinguished Alumni Award recipients are not eligible to receive this award;
- Current elected UM National Alumni Association officers and directors are not eligible;
- Nominations remain on file for reconsideration for three years, including the initial year of nomination.
Nomination Process:
- Nominations are accepted year-round with a deadline of November 1;
- Alumni Awards Nomination Form along with nomination letter must be submitted electronically or in print form;
- An additional letter of recommendation, from someone other than the one making the nomination, is required (in addition to the nomination form);
- Additional supporting documentation;
- A current résumé or curriculum vitae is preferred but not required.
Award : The award is presented at Homecoming in February.
Nominate a Deserving Alum
Nathalie Molton Gibbons Young Achiever’s Award
Purpose : The Young Achiever’s Award is presented to a recent graduate (35 years or younger), whose contributions, through career or community service reflect positively on society at the local, state or national level.
- Nominee must have received a degree (undergraduate or graduate) from the University of Montevallo;
- Nominee must be 35 years of age or younger;
- Current elected UM National Alumni Association officers and directors are not eligible;
- Nominations remain on file for reconsideration for three years, including the initial year of nomination. (If the nominee turns 36 during this three-year time period, the nomination will be moved to the NMG Alumni Achievement Award.)
Nomination Process:
- Nominations are accepted year-round with a deadline of November 1;
- Alumni Awards Nomination Form along with nomination letter must be submitted electronically or in print form;
- An additional letter of recommendation, from someone other than the one making the nomination, is required (in addition to the nomination form);
- Additional supporting documentation;
- A current résumé or curriculum vitae is preferred but not required.
Award : The award is presented at Homecoming in February.
Nominate a Deserving Alum
Mary Lou Elder Williams Alumni Loyalty Award
Purpose: This award honors an alum who has demonstrated loyalty and dedication in their strength of service to the University of Montevallo through contributions of their time, talents, or resources.
- Nominee must have received a degree (undergraduate or graduate) from the University of Montevallo/Alabama College;
- Nominee must have shown loyalty and dedication in the role of an alum;
- Current elected UM National Alumni Association officers and directors are not eligible.
- Nominations remain on file for reconsideration for three years, including the initial year of nomination.
Nomination Process:
- Nominations are accepted year-round with a deadline of July 1 prior to the award presented on Founders’ Day;
- Alumni Awards Nomination Form along with nomination letter must be submitted electronically or in print form;
- An additional letter of recommendation, from someone other than the one making the nomination, is required (in addition to the nomination form);
- Additional supporting documentation;
- A current résumé or curriculum vitae is preferred but not required.
Award : The award is presented during Founders’ Day activities in October. The recipient is also honored at a dinner or other event the evening of Founders’ Day. The recipient is recognized with a plaque/gift from the UM National Alumni Association.
Nominate a Deserving Alum
Outstanding Commitment to Teaching Award
Purpose: To recognize a University of Montevallo professor’s dedication to the provision of a quality education and their impact upon students through the teaching-learning process.
- The nominee must be a full-time faculty member at the University of Montevallo;
- The nominee should spend the majority of their time in direct teaching activities at the University of Montevallo;
- The nominee must have shown excellence in service or loyalty to the University;
- Current elected UM National Alumni Association officers and directors are not eligible.
- Nominations remain on file for reconsideration for three years, including the initial year of nomination.
Nomination Process:
- Nominations are accepted year-round with a deadline of July 1 prior to the award presented on Founders’ Day;
- Alumni Awards Nomination Form along with nomination letter must be submitted electronically or in print form;
- An additional letter of recommendation, from someone other than the one making the nomination, is required (in addition to the nomination form);
- Additional supporting documentation;
- A current résumé or curriculum vitae is preferred but not required.
Award : The award is presented during Founders’ Day activities in October. The recipient is also honored at a dinner or other event the evening of Founders’ Day. The recipient is recognized with a plaque and a gift of $1,000 from the UM National Alumni Association.
Nominate a Deserving Faculty
Outstanding Staff Service Award
Purpose: To recognize a staff member’s excellence in service and loyalty to the University.
- The nominee must be a staff member or contract employee at the University of Montevallo;
- The nominee must have shown excellence in their work, service and dedication to the University;
- Current elected UM National Alumni Association officers and directors are not eligible.
- A current resume or curriculum vitae may be helpful but is not required.
Nomination Process:
- Nominations are accepted year-around with a deadline of July 1 prior to the award presented on Founders’ Day;
- Alumni Awards Nomination Form along with nomination letter must be submitted electronically or in print form;
- An additional letter of recommendation, from someone other than the one making the nomination, is required (in addition to the nomination form);
- Additional supporting documentation;
- A current resume or curriculum vitae may be helpful but is not required.
Award : The award is presented during Founders’ Day activities in October. The recipient is also honored at a dinner or other event the evening of Founders’ Day. The recipient is recognized with a plaque and a gift of $1,000 from the UM National Alumni Association.
Nominate a Deserving Staff Member
Other Alumni Awards
James Wilkinson Greek Loyalty Hall of Fame Award
Purpose: The James Wilkinson Greek Loyalty Hall of Fame Award was created to honor Greek alumni that have demonstrated their loyalty to the Greek organizations and students of the University of Montevallo. It will be used to honor those alumni that continue to serve as leaders and mentors to their Greek brothers and sisters by sharing their time, treasures, and talents with these organizations. This award honors the late Mr. James Wilkinson, University of Montevallo Staff Emeritus. Mr. Wilkinson, “Deano”, not only played a large part in helping to build Greek life on campus during his career, but his involvement continued even after his retirement. Throughout his life, Deano positively touched the lives of thousands of UM alumni.
- Nominees must be/have been a member of a Greek organization (or social club that preceded the Greek organization) that is (or has been) active on the campus of the University of Montevallo;
- Must have shown loyalty and dedication to the Greek organization, either by serving as an advisor, mentor, or volunteer with the undergraduate chapter;
- Nominations may be made posthumously;
- Three letters of recommendation must accompany the nomination form;
- At least one endorsement should be from an individual who is currently or who has served in an alumni advisor or undergraduate officer capacity for the undergraduate chapter;
- Other supporting documentation may be also submitted and is strongly encouraged.
Nomination Process:
- Nominations are accepted year-round with a deadline of September 7 prior to the award presented at the Greek Alumni Reunion;
- The Alumni Awards Nomination Form must be submitted electronically;
- Nominations remain on file for reconsideration for three years, including the initial year of nomination.
Selection Process :
- Submissions will be reviewed and voted on by the Greek Alumni Advisory Committee prior to September 30 of each year.
- There is no limit to the number of recipients per year.
- The GAAC may use discretion to determine the number of award recipients dependent on the number and quality of nominees.
Award: The award will be presented each year in conjunction with the Greek Alumni Reunion in form of a perpetual plaque to be housed at the University of Montevallo.
Wilkinson Hall of Fame Nomination Form
Retired Faculty/Staff Award (Advancement)
Purpose : The Retired Faculty/Staff Award is presented by University Advancement in the fall to honor a retired faculty or staff member in life for excellence in service and loyalty to the University.
- The nominee must have retired from the University of Montevallo, with a retirement effective date of at least 5 years (June 1 or before).
- Retired faculty and staff that have returned to UM in a full-time or part-time capacity are not eligible.
- The nominee must have shown excellence in service or loyalty to the University.
- Current committee members for the retired faculty/staff award are not eligible.
Nomination Process :
- Nominations are accepted year round with a deadline of July 1 prior to the award presented at the annual Retired Faculty and Staff Luncheon.
- The Retired Faculty/Staff Award Nomination Form must be submitted electronically or in print form.
- One letter of endorsement, from someone other than the one making the nomination, is required (in addition to the nomination form).
- Additional supporting documentation is encouraged (i.e. professional biography).
- Nominations remain on file for reconsideration for three years, including the initial year of nomination.
Award : The award is presented during the annual Retired Faculty/Staff Luncheon in the fall. The recipient is recognized with a plaque from the Retired Faculty/Staff Committee.
Nominate a Retired Faculty or Staff Member
Leon G. Davis Award
Purpose: To recognize a former UM student-athlete who has distinguished himself or herself through personal achievements and community service.
Nomination Process : The award is given in honor of Leon G. Davis, former director of UM athletics, basketball coach and golf coach. Email nominations Assistant Athletic Director of Media Relations.
: The award is presented at the Meet the Falcons Luncheon in August by the UM Athletics Department.
Learn more about this prestigious award.