Special Instructions:
There have been changes with the online payment system. Please follow the instructions below in order to pay online:
- Go to this site: https://www.alabamaachieves.org/teacher-center/teacher-certification/
- On the left-hand side of the page is a blue menu; click on “Online Payment System”
- A textbox will pop up with a green box; click on that link
- That will take you to the payment page
Please note that the applications are in fillable pdf format and may not be hand-written. Any application received completed by hand will be returned to you and may delay processing.
All teacher education students, graduating or completing a certification program, should apply for certification with the office of Teacher Education Services. TES will offer certification application workshops at the beginning of each semester.
All applications for certification must be processed through the TES office as the university serves as the recommending institution.
Certification Application Deadlines:
Certification applications for December graduates due by November 15th
Certification applications for May graduates due by April 15th
Certification applications for Summer graduates due by July 15th
TES must wait for transcripts to be finalized by the Registrar’s Office at the end of each term. Please note: Degrees earned in the Summer will not be conferred until August. Therefore, certification applications for Summer graduates will be processed mid-August.
Please allow two (2) weeks after the end of each term for processing in our office.
*Applications received after the deadline will be processed in batches at the end of each month.
A completed certification application packet includes the following:
UG/Alt A/RHO & MEd-IL/Traditional MEd/EdS & Counseling Certification
CACREP/School Counseling Certification
Certification App Instructions
Certification FAQs for Graduates
Certification App Instructions
Form NAL (Certification App) Form KRP (Certification App) Form Supplement CIT Form Supplement CIT Online payment receipt; see instructions at the top of the page Online payment receipt; see instructions at the top of the page Form KR1 DO NOT STAPLE DOCUMENTS
Important Points to Remember:
- Completed certification applications for Initial, Advanced, and Traditional School Counseling should be submitted to the Teacher Education Services office in Wills Hall 207 in person or via U.S. postal mail. Do not overnight. Scanned images will not be accepted. Original signatures are required.
- CACREP applications should be mailed directly to the ALSDE by the student.
- Submitting incomplete and/or hand-written applications will cause a delay in processing.
- Submitting applications after the deadline may cause a delay in processing. Late applications will be processed as a group in a separate submission to the ALSDE.
- TES processes applications and sends them to the ALSDE within two weeks after graduation unless there extenuating circumstances. A completion of program form will be emailed to your UM forum email the week after graduation.
- Check your certification status with the Alabama State Department of Education at: